Tax evasion, tax avoidance, money laundering: institutionalised crime is so much part of the global economy. Then there is moral crime… Clive Dilnot discusses the
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The EU STD: reform is on the way
I have already mentioned that I made a presentation on the proposed changes to the EU Savings Tax Directive in the European Parliament this week,
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Vodafone lose in India: you can use a tax haven, but you can’t hide there is the message
The FT has reported that: The Mumbai High Court on Wednesday dismissed a challenge by Vodafone against a $2bn tax [charge]. Vodafone had challenged whether
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The Doha summit on financing for development: a lost opprtunity?
The following is press release driven, I know, but is by organisations I know, work with and trust, and worthy of wider attention: Last weekend’s
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The virus entity is
The following is from the web site of, an organisation that does not, I think share my goals in life. Please read it, it’s
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My bookmarks for December 3rd
These are my links for December 3rd: Goodwin’s $140 Billion Binge May Doom RBS to Nationalization – The decline of a bank chronicled Action
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