The Cayman News Service carried an article by Tim Ridley, chair of the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority in response to that by Angel Gurria in
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Tacky, or what?
Source and residence: the UN and the OECD
TJN has published an important blog on its web site explaining why the UN has to be part of the solution for international tax. I
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Turn the Wahington Consensus on its head
Larry Elliott has said in the Guardian this morning: the lessons of the financial crisis are instructive. Almost every piece of advice rammed down the
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Harbours of resentment
Vanessa Houlder has an excellent article in the FT this morning, which I think genuinely seeks to be objective on the offshore issue, and is
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The Vatican on Offshore
The Vatican has issued a statement as a response to the Doha summit on financing for development this weekend – a summit at which the
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