All blog owners like to look at their visitor statistics every now and again. the one who denies this is a liar.
I noticed something curious when I did so recently. It seems that the four most popular articles on this blog are (in order):
Yet more misinformation from PWC
PWC's Total Tax - the fundamental accounting flaw
Biased misinformation - The PWC Total Tax Contribution 2007
What does that say?
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And Richard, I notice that for your last 6 posts you have received a total of 1 comment?
What does that say?
Where did my contribution go, Richard? I pointed out that there was only 1 comments on your last 6 posts – now, what did that say?
Now I see – you only post contributions which tally with your view of the world. Maybe that explains why there are so few comments!!!
You are a clown!