I think this is fantastic. It's the new logo of the Tax Justice Network's French partners:
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I would suggest you contact your French colleagues asap. The blue white and gold horizontal lines looks to me suspiciously like (and are probably intended to represent) the Visa card logo (and I would venture any French judge who’s not senile is likely to agree unless he’s from Marseille so can be easily bribed) I’m not an IP lawyer (although I sit on a desk island with 2 of them :wink:), but I’m pretty sure this is breach of Visa’s trademark, punishable by huge damages or, if the legal action is taken by Visa in the US, probably death by firing squad.
It may also be damaging for the reputation of Visa’s brand, if the intention or effect is to impugn it by suggesting Visa is somehow complicit in dodgy tax havens etc, which would mean more dosh payable.
Just a few thought from the murky world of a commercial law firm. We sue hundreds of people a year for this sort of stuff – I understand it’s like shooting fish in a barrel.
This is probably not the sort of thing an organisation promoting compliace wwith the law should be engaged in, even if they are French?