Why can’t Labour say it as it is for ordinary people?

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I write this blog for one reason when it comes down to it: because I want to change the well being of ordinary people in the UK. I know where I come from and I observe how ordinary people are treated in our society and in our economy and I don't like it. I write to effect change, mainly within the economy and particularly though what tax can deliver as a mechanism for change, but I do it all because I believe a fairer, more equal, more sustainable and more respectful society would be better for everyone in the UK.

As a result of what I do many think I am political and in the sense that al of life is political that is, of course, true. But I am not a member of a political party and do not harbour ambition to hold political office: I think I know my own limitations. I do however observe the political scene, as many will have noted, and cannot help but wish for better representation for what I call ordinary people - which is the  majority of people in this country. That is why I despair when Labour, which should logically, within our system, be best aligned with those people, seem to deliver on their behalf.

In this context I note what Suzanne Moore says in the Guardian this morning:

My advice to Labour is simple. Speak like common people. Have something to say.

The first may be obvious, but from the Westminster bubble seems to be so hard.

The second, right now, seems to be impossible.

But as Suzanne Moore says, why is it so hard for Labour to say that bankers caused the crash?

Why can't it say it ran very low deficits with very modest debt until 2007 - and even repaid debt for four years, unlike the Tories?

Why can't it say that pushing people off benefits when there are no jobs is a guarantee of desperate poverty?

Or that forcing people put of their homes destroys communities, families and the education and hopes of tens of thousands of children?

And that it's no good talking the cost of living; it's how to provide the pay to meet it that matters?

Or that taxing wealth is a pre-requisite to providing dignity for all in old age?

Why can't it say that redistribution through taxation is a good thing - but does not happen right now?

Why won't Labour say trade unions are there for the common good - and without them we'd all be a lot worse of now? Or that it believes in collective bargaining?

And is it really so hard to say markets can't deliver in some cases - like health and education - when the evidence is so clear that they cannot?

I genuinely do not know why they cannot say such things. I wish they could.

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