Another day, yet more tax stories in the press.

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The Independent ran a front page story on the cost of tax havens to Europe. It's not 100% accurate but the location of the story in the paper gives some indication of how they view this.

The Guardian covered the fact that both the Treasury building and the Home Office are now owned through offshore structures, despite the post- Mapeley requirement that these be kept out of PFI rules. Those structuring these deals have, of course, found ways to get round such rules, as is the normal abusive fashion of he finance industry and those that advise it.

The non-dom issue continues to roll. I recorded on the issue twice in the day - both for transmission soon.

Liechtenstein continues to be big - and the media who have not yet been near the story continue to seek new angles upon it.

Everything to me says that my belief that there has been a 'tipping point' in attitudes towards tax is true. Indeed, when I say as such to journalists and others they seem to recognise the reality of this immediately, as if they have been offered the explanation for a phenomena they are observing of a type they have not previously experienced.

I can't be sure I'm right, but what also amused me was just how many journalists and others openly laugh at the defence of tax haven activity that they are being offered by the remaining advocates. The plausibility of their providing benefit to society presses these reasonable people's credibility beyond acceptable limits. That is significant.

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