I have already commented upon the state of the press in Jersey this morning. Let me add further example of the state of the press
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The Walker Code on Private Equity
The Walker Code on private equity will be published today. I have little to add to the despair I expressed yesterday when learning that Sir
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Northern Rock – what to do with junk equity?
There’s much talk in the City of junk bonds, many of them issued by offshore SPVs, SIVs and CDOs. There’s little talk of “junk equity”.
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Jersey: Senator Le Sueur is getting rattled
The Jersey Evening Post has a four page supplement tonight explaining how the States will deal with the ‘black hole’ arising from the 0 /
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The Isle of Man – $200 billion of tax evaded funds
Marty Sullivan has been continuing his work on the UK’s offshore tax havens, this time looking at the Isle of Man. He concludes: At the
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The SEC wants country-by-country reporting
The FT reported on Saturday that: Companies doing business in “terrorist-sponsoring states” could once again have their names under scrutiny under a controversial plan being
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